Gorillas in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Gorillas in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bonane the leader of his family group

Gorillas in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are made of two subspecies: the Grauer’s Gorillas and the mountain Gorillas. Worldwide there exist two main species of gorillas: the western and eastern gorilla. The western gorilla is divided into two subspecies: Western lowland gorillas and …

Kahuzi Biega National Park Congo, Gorilla trekking & Chimpanzee Tracking

Kahuzi Biega National Park

Kahuzi Biega National Park Congo is in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo just 50 kms away from Bukavu town. Bukavu is one of the biggest towns in the eastern Congo with developed accommodation facilities including the orchids safari club, Coco lodge with modern amenities. …