Highlights: “Return to Congo” Tour | Cohort 1

The inaugural “Return to Congo” Tour

Overview: Kwafrika Travel Ltd, in collaboration with the Congolese Diaspora Impact Summit/Strategy, successfully organized the inaugural “Return to Congo” tour. This immersive eight-day program aimed to educate participants of Congolese descent about the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Kinshasa. It also provided a platform …

Visit Eastern Congo: A Hidden Gem Amidst Challenges

Eastern Congo, a region of immense natural beauty and cultural richness, has long been overshadowed by conflict and instability. While challenges persist, particularly with the occupation of certain localities by the M23 rebel group, the region is gradually finding its footing and offers travelers a …

“Return to Congo” tour: Explore Kinshasa, the Bustling Capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

"Return to Congo" tour: Welcome to Kinshasa, DR Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a country rich in natural resources, with immense potential for economic growth. For Congolese in the diaspora, returning home to explore business opportunities could be a rewarding venture. Kwafrika Travel Ltd in partnership with the Congolese Diaspora Impact …

CONGO BASIN DESTINATION, one of resolutions the Congo Basin Conclave

Congo Basin Destination Kwafrika Travel

Congo Basin Destination An establishment of a common destination entitled  ‘Congo Basin Destination‘ was one of resolutions of the recently concluded Congo Basin Conclave. Despite the fact that the Congo Basin Countries possess enormous potential to boost ecotourism for development, the region is listed among …

Je veux visiter Idjwi, cette île idyllique situé à l’Est du Congo

Visiter Idjwi, des vues à couple le souple

Située entre le Rwanda à l’Est et la République démocratique du Congo à l’Ouest, Idjwi est la deuxième plus grande île lacustre d’Afrique. Flottant au milieu du lac Kivu, visiter Idjwi, cette île à une superficie de 340 km², est l’une des expériences incontournables lors …

Je veux visiter l’auberge de Rushengo à Masisi

visiter l'auberge de Rushengo à Masisi (vue de l'auberge)

Vous êtes à la recherche d’un endroit pour une détente, un week-end dans la nature ? Vous planifier vos escapades en lune de miel en Afrique ? Ou simplement vous voulez vous dépayser en sortant des embouteillages de la ville de Goma ? Visiter l’auberge de Rushengo …